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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Paranoid Personality Disorder

The paranoid's globe is hostile, arbitrary, malicious, and unpredictable. Consequently, he or she distrusts others and suspects them. No great deed goes unpunished. Every single gesture of goodwill is surely fuelled by ulterior, self-interested and uncharitable motives. Paranoids are firmly convinced that people are out to exploit, harm, get, or deceive them, at times just for the enjoyable of it. Evil needs no pretext or context, it truly is just on the market without very good or adequate result in.
These nagging doubts regarding the loyalty or trustworthiness of other individuals gnaw at the paranoid's thoughts ceaselessly. No one is spared his continual brooding. His hypervigilance extends to household members, close friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Persecutory delusions are widespread: most paranoids believe that they are in the epicenter of conspiracies and collusions, big and modest, quotidian and earth-shattering.
The paranoid's conviction that he's the target from the unwelcome and frightful attentions of unnamed and occult structures and individuals serves properly his grandiosity. Like narcissists, paranoids have to be in the center of focus. They have to prove to themselves on an hourly basis that they are of sufficient significance and interest to warrant such persecution.
No wonder that patients with PPD (paranoid personality disorder) are generally socially isolated and regarded eccentric.
I describe their existence thus in the Open Website Encyclopedia:
"They might cower at house, preparing a defense against perceived attacks, but may reject any attempts by other people to communicate with them. They might become reclusive, maintaining suspicions that others could use information against them. From others, even one of the most benign gestures, comments, or events, assume threatening proportions, nefarious meanings or malicious intent. Even benign encounters could be misinterpreted as threats.
Paranoid persons may possibly dwell around the trivial. They might be hypersensitive, bear grudges and be unforgiving. Remarks by other individuals may possibly be instantly interpreted as an insult, injury, attack, or slight directed at their character or reputation, and may possibly provoke aggressive responses. They may eventually be shunned because of their eccentric behavior; in addition, this may possibly incorporate close family members, at the same time as friends."


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